"Skinimalism" might sound like a trendy buzzword that influencers are appending to hashtags, but it is a wise approach toward skincare that is helpful toward your body, your mind, your wallet, and our planet.
As you might guess, skinimalism is the practice of taking a minimalist approach to skincare. Skinimalism doesn't mean cutting corners or slacking in your effort, but instead cutting out unnecessary steps, generating less trash, and saving that precious disposable income. Buying too many products can put a significant dent in your wallet, take up space - you might not even have - and contribute so much to environmental waste.
Focus on your most important skin issues and not just a collection of products without a purpose. There's little point in buying products that treat skin issues that you don't have in the first place.
Using too many beauty products also risks compromising your skin barrier, leading to the skin being overstimulated, irritated, red, and uncomfortable. It's like spending your grocery money on 20 cans of cat food when you don't have a cat. You're neglecting the items you need and filling up on those you don't.
Skinimalism focuses on the specific, multifunctional, and high-quality products you need. Less is more, and the fundamentals to go to are a clean moisturizer, an ocean-friendly sunscreen, and a gentle cleanser. The rest is all optional, according to your concerns. With a visit to a dermatologist, you will learn a lot about the best skin practices considering your uniqueness and lifestyle. You'll be able to find the products that best work for your specific skin type.
Skinimalism seeks to get the best possible results out of our skincare routine while staying eco-friendly from start to finish. Multifunctional products are the best to declutter: You can have a face cream that also works for the eye area, facial serums and oils that work for the face, body, hair, waterless products, high concentrate skincare with clean formulations, sustainable ingredients, and lower impact on natural resources. Our skin is a living organ that needs to be loved and respected. Our living planet needs that same nourishment and protection.
Finding routines that actively aid the soul also calming the mind offers innumerable benefits—allowing you to look your best without putting on a mask to hide your natural beauty from the world. It's all about being comfortable in your skin, saving time & money, destressing, and reducing consumption.
By adhering to such principles, we can love the skin we're in a while, feeling confident in our natural beauty and contributions to a greener present and future.
We set out to create a sustainable and natural skincare line to help declutter your routine and achieve optimal skin health with fewer steps. We want to show you how to achieve your best skin with just a handful of products and a few minutes a day using our multifunctional, gentle, yet effective formulas. We say no to overly complex routines, unnecessary fillers, waste, and fluff, and yes to cleaner and simpler solutions that preserve your skin as well as the environment. Our Superfruit Oil is 100% waterless, pure, concentrated, and completely multifunctional. It can be used as a daily moisturizer and as before and after sun, makeup cleanser, an add-on to other products, body, hair, scalp, lips, and soothing for various irritating skin conditions like blemishes, eczema, acne, and psoriasis. Learn more about Superfruit Facial Oil!
Our Skincare bundle (face cream + oil) came to life to simplify beauty routines for busy women and offer complete care with no compromise. Beyond that, be sure to add a gentle cleanser and sunscreen to complement a perfect daily skincare ritual.